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Backup Planning Analytics as a Service

IBM’s Planning Analytics as a Service (PAaaS) is available on AWS (and soon to be Azure). It is deployed through IBM’s Cloud Pak for Data and clients to not get access to the backend, the way we have traditionally had access to the file system for TM1. So how do you do a backup for Planning Analytics as a Service when you don’t have backend access?

This post will cover two ways to backup a PAaaS TM1 model:

  1. Automatic Backups
  2. Manual Backups

Automatic Backups

After you create a new database (the new word for model), you can turn automatic backups on or off. Just do the following:

  1. Login to Planning Analytics as an Administrator
  2. Click on the Administration tile on the PA Home Screen
    PAaaS Administration Tile
  3. Select the database from the list on the left
    PAaaS Select Database
  4. On the Details tab, click on the Manage button on the bottom left of the large right side pane
    PAaaS Automatic Backup Manage
  5. Flick the switch to turn Automatic backups On and select the time in UTC, noting the current UTC time below the selector
    PAaaS Automatic Backup Enable
  6. Save your change

How to do a Manual Backup of Planning Analytics as a Service

Time needed: 5 minutes

To backup your Planning Analytics as a Service database from AWS or Azure.

  1. Login to Planning Analytics as an Administrator

  2. Click on the Administration tile on the PA Home Screen

    PAaaS Administration Tile

  3. Select the Database to be Backed up

    PAaaS Select Database

  4. Click on the Backup Tab

    PAaaS Administration Backup

  5. Click the Create button

    On the top right, above the list of available backups, click on the Create button. PAaaS Create Backup Button

  6. Enter the Backup Name

    We suggest here that you use a system for your backups. Personally, I prefer the date (and possibly time) first, then the environment, then the database. As I can’t use spaces, I would insert underscores. So, if I was backing up the Test database on the Production environment today, it would be “20240523_1411_Prod_Test”. PAaaS Create Backup
    PAaaS Backup Requested

  7. Wait until the Backup is Complete

    PAaaS Successfully Created Backup
    PAaaS Backup Created

Need Help with Planning Analytics as a Service?

We have now implemented Planning Analytics as a Service on a number of occasions. If you need help with how to configure or use PAaaS on either AWS or Azure, please get in touch.

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