With Windows Vista, 7 and many of the newer server editions of Windows a Microsoft security fix has removed a component which TM1 Perspectives & Architect use to display the Transaction Log browser. This component is called “MSMask32.ocx” which traditionally belongs in the System32 folder.
To get this working again on these machines:
- Download the component here: msmask32.zip
- Save these to the appropriate folder below:
- On a 32-bit computer save to C:WindowsSystem32
- On a 64-bit computer save to C:WindowsSysWOW64
- Run the following command either from the command line or from the “Run” window:
- On a 32-bit computer run: “RegSvr32 MSMask.ocx”
- On a 64-bit computer run: “C:WindowsSysWOW64RegSvr32 MSMask.ocx”
- This should (if all goes well and you have local administration access) immediately enable the Transaction Log window in Perspectives and Architect.
IBM Tech Note: https://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21469061