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Cell Annotations in Planning Analytics for Excel

Planning Analytics has a cell annotation function where you can add notes to any cell in any cube. Annotations are great for recording why a value was changed. They essentially provide you with an audit trail for later review. Annotations in PAX are similar to adding notes to cells in Excel. In TM1, however, the notes are added to the intersection of the cube, not the Excel file itself.

Cell Annotations in New PAX Tools Only

Annotations in Planning Analytics for Excel are only available in the “new” PAX tool – i.e. in Explorations and Quick Reports. At this stage (as of PAX 2.0.52), you cannot annotate Dynamic or Custom Reports.

How to Add Notes to a Cell in Planning Analytics for Excel

To annotate a cell in a PAX Exploration, right-click on the desired cell.

Annotations in Planning Analytics for Excel

Then add the annotation required. Note Planning Analytics will record who is making the note and the date and time made.

Adding a PAX Annotation

A red square appears on the cell. This indicates there is a note attached. Pausing over the red box will then show you what the annotation history is of that cell.

Multiple Planning Analytics for Excel Annotations

Annotations in Planning Analytics Workspace

Annotations are stored in TM1 with the cell. They are available other views using either Planning Analytics for Excel or Planning Analytics Workspace. Here is that same data viewed through PAW.

Cell annotations in Planning Analytics Workspace
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