Dimension Worksheets

Dimension Worksheets are a great way to manage medium sized dimensions and attributes/aliases. All Worksheets (Dimension and Rule) are held in the local data directory set in the ‘Options’ form found in Server Explorer under ‘File’.


To create a new Dimension via Dimension Worksheets

1.                  Within the Excel TM1 Menu “TM1” – “Dimension Worksheets” – “New…”
2.                  Enter the name of the Dimension and click “Ok”
3.                  Enter the Structure of your dimension (Syntax See Below)
4.                  Save/Create your dimension by clicking “TM1” – “Dimension Worksheets” – “Save”
Note: Be very careful to use the above method of Saving dimensions as a typical “File” – “Save” will only save the “DimensionName.xdi” file and not replicate its contents to the server.
Dimension Worksheet Syntax
There are three columns used for Element Type, Element Name and Element Weighting.
Element Type and Element Weighting are only used in specific conditions.
For example Element Types are only ever used to specify an Element in the Actual Dimension order. Element Weightings are only ever used when placing an element as a child of a consolidation.
To add an element into the Dimension
My Element Name
To make a Consolidation
My Consolidate
Child 1
Child 1
The Child Elements need to be added at some point too using the above method.
An Actual Scenario Dimension could look like this:
The order of the dimension is defined by the Element Types in Column A, so the Dimension can be reordered as follows for better Default Presentation.
Note: The best way to present the Default view of a Dimension is using a Default Subset.
Making the most of a Dimension Worksheet
The best parts of Managing Dimensions using Worksheets are:
  • Formatting
  • Creating Time stamped Worksheets
  • Using Excel Worksheet functions to Create the Content
  • Maintaining Attributes Using DBSA
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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