So I just added my first ever Feeder in TM1. Woah, that was confusing. But I’ll get over it and it worked first go! Let me explain.
I have a cube, Opex, that is to be used in a rolling forecast model for forecasting Operating Expenses. I have a Scenario dimension with Actual and Current Forecast in it (amongst others). I have a TI script that is loading Actual values from a very highly detailed cube into this planning cube. There is a System Assumptions cube where current month and year are defined.
I then created a rule that sets the value of Current Forecast to be the same as Actual where the period is less than the current month. Thus if we are in September, then I want all previous periods to show the Actual value. The rule was correct, but I was showing no values in Current Forecast. Then a light bulb moment. I had a SKIPCHECK inserted at the start of the rule. I understood that the purpose of a Feeder is to open up cells in a cube (by default the cells are not available for use in calculations and need Feeders to open them up – thus maintaining memory efficiency and speed in TM1).
So I created a Feeder. I stated on the left side the area of the cube that did have data (ie Actual) and on the right the area that I wanted to have data (Current Forecast) and limited it to my measure. Thus my feeder was simply:
[‘Actual’,’Amount’] => [‘Current Forecast’,’Amount’];
And bingo. It worked. My first ever Feeder!