How to Change Element Order in a TM1 Dimension

TM1 has a feature that allows you to change the order of elements (sometimes known as members) in a dimension (note this is changing element order in a dimension, not changing the order of dimensions in a cube, which is covered here).

To change the order of members in a dimension do the following:

  1. Open the Dimension Editor (not Subset Editor),
  2. Modify the order of elements,
  3. Click Set Dimension Order button, and
  4. Then save the dimension.

Warning when Changing the Element Order

Changing the element order in a dimension changes the internal index number of elements in the dimension. The index value is set when you click on the Set Dimension Order button in the Dimension Editor. Note that doing this may invalidate any rule, process or excel functions (such as ELPAR or DIMNM) that reference a specific index ID and may need to be changed.

Changing the Order of Some Members Only

You can also change the order of a subset of elements within the context of the entire dimension, rather than the all members of a dimension (but noting that the index for all elements may be impacted). To do this:

  • Select the members you want to change the order of.
  • Select Edit, Keep, so now only those elements are highlighted
  • Change the order to what you want
  • Click the Set Dimension Order button

Automatic Element Order

If you would like to set the order automatically, you can do this by right clicking on a dimension and set the order to Automatic. This can be done by either Name, Level or Hierarchy. This will also change the index values, so be careful if you use any index referencing functions.

Setting Element Order via TI

Finally, you can also set the order using a Turbo Integrator process using the DimensionSortOrder function. This uses the same automatic options as the right click option above.

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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