IBM Cognos TM1 10.1 – Installing the Operations Console

This is a short pictorial guide to installing the TM1 Operations Console in the version of Apache Tomcat bundled with the TM1 10.1 Installation.

1. Open a command prompt and run the following (updating paths to match that of your own environment).

Command Prompt - Navigate to your TM1 JRE Directory
Command Prompt - Navigate to your TM1 JRE Directory


Command Prompt - Enter the command to add the SSL Certificate into the JRE
Command Prompt – Enter the command to add the SSL Certificate into the JRE


keytool -import -file "C:Program Filesibmcognostm1binsslapplixca.pem" -keystore "C:Program Filesibmcognostm1binjre6.0libsecuritycacerts" -storepass "changeit"


Command Prompt - Enter "yes" and hit Enter
Command Prompt - Enter "yes" and hit Enter

2. Start “IBM Cognos TM1 Applications”. To do this simply open “IBM Cognos Configuration”, right click “TM1 Application Server” and click “Start”.

3. (Optional – If you are going to create a specific group of users in TM1 who can access the Operations Console) Open a TM1 Client such as Architect or Perspectives and create the group.

4. Update the configuration file for the Operations Console called “OpsConfig.xml” with your adminhost, server name and security group (Possibly created in step 3).

Note: the path to this file will be similar to:

C:Program Filesibmcognostm1webappstm1operationsconsoleWEB-INFconfiguration
TM1 10.1 Operations Console Config File
TM1 10.1 Operations Console Config File

Note that at this point the official guides tell the user to turn off Javascript Debugging and Caching in Internet Explorer. I’m not going to do this as:

a. The Javascript Debug Prompt only pop’s up when a error in the web site has occurred. (Is IBM sweeping bugs under the rug here?)
b. I don’t want to slow down web browsing by disabling caching for every site I visit just for one application.

5. Browse to the TM1 Operations Console: https://YourServerName:YourPort/tm1operationsconsole


TM1 10.1 Operations Console
TM1 10.1 Operations Console


6. Once you have logged in:

  • Click the “Add Operation Group” Button and enter a Name.
  • Right click on the Group and click “Add Adminhost”
  • Right click on the Adminhost and Click “Add TM1 Server”

If you navigated the labyrinth successfully, you can now click on the newly added TM1 Server and view a list of connected users along with their activities.


  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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