Installing SPSS Modeler 15 client is an easy task. Below you can find detailed steps on how to do it. IBM SPSS Modeler Client is a functionally complete version of the product, which is installed and run on the user’s desktop computer. The Client can be run in local mode as a standalone product, or in distributed mode along with IBM SPSS Modeler Server for improved performance on large data sets. Additional options are also available for purchase, including IBM SPSS Modeler Text Analytics, IBM SPSS Modeler Entity Analytics, IBM SPSS Modeler Social Network Analysis, IBM SPSS Modeler Solution Publisher, and others.
1. Locate the setup.exe file and run it. This is the first screen with some license information. Click next
2. In the next screen, you get to choose one of the 3 available license schemes that exist for IBM SPSS Modeler
- Single User License: A single-user license allows you to install IBM SPSS Modeler Client on up to two computers, if those computers are used by one user.
- Site License: This license allows you to install IBM SPSS Modeler on multiple computers, limited to the number for which you purchased the license.
- Network License: This license allows you to install IBM SPSS Modeler on any number of computers. However, only the number of users for which you purchased the license can run the application concurrently.
For this tutorial we will select the first option, “Single User License”. The procedure is the same in all options and only the type of license changes. Click next.
3. The next screen is a typical software license agreement. Click on accept terms and next.
4. The next screen is about the installation path. You can choose your own path or accept the default. We leave the default path for this tutorial.
5. Then we are faced with the user information screen where if you want you type your name and organisation. Then click next.
6. Finally the pre-configuration screen and license agreements are over and we are ready to install the actual software. Click on install
7. After the installation you get the option to register. If you leave the registration checked it will open your browser and lead you to a registration page. This gives you the benefit of receiving software updates and alerts. Click finish.
8. The final part of the installation is the licensing of the product. You will see a screen like the one below, asking you to select if you have a license to activate it or evaluate SPSS Modeler for small period. We will choose the “Enable for temporary usage” option for this tutorial but either way the procedure is the much the same.
9. In the next screen you have to either select the path of the temporary license file or type the license key to activate SPSS Modeler.
Click next and that’s it, the installation is over.
You can now start using SPSS Modeler.