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Installing TM1 9.4

To begin download the latest version of TM1 from the ‘My-IBM’ site. You will need a login to access the site. (

At the time of writing this the most current version of TM1 is 9.4 MR1 with FP2 being the latest hot fix.

Once you have downloaded the version of TM1 you wish to install you should probably check your computer/server has everything needed to install TM1

I’ll break down what is needed based on the Install options.

TM1 Perspectives:

  • .Net version 1.1 for advanced rules editor
  • MS Excel 2003 or 2007

TM1 Web:

  • .Net 1.1 & 2
  • IIS 6 or 7
  • MS Excel 2003 or 2007

TM1 Server (Without TM1 Web)

  • None of the above

Once you have downloaded all applications/files you need in order to install the Version of TM1 you wish to, you should proceed with extracting the TM1 Installation Archive you downloaded from the ‘My IBM’ site.

  1. Begin by opening up the setup.exe (If you are on a version of Windows which has advanced download security you may need to right click on the setup file and click ‘unblock’ in the properties menu).
  2. Select you language
  3. Click ‘ok’ to the “Notice to customers upgrading to 9.4.1”
  4. You should now be in the intro screen to the installer from here click the ‘next’ button
  5. Agree to the terms and conditions
  6. Select your installation type. The options are:
    1. TM1 Perspectives – this is the client installation (Excel Add-in)
    2. TM1 – this is the core server install (also includes Perspectives)
    3. TM1 Web – This includes both of the above plus TM1 web and also configures IIS (For the purpose of this document I will install all via the TM1 web option.
  7. With the options on the next page: Standard or Custom installation. Typically you would pick standard. There was an incompatibility in previous version where the ODBO driver with windows 2003 that would halt the installation this was the only time I have ever had to customize the installation.
  8. Next is the username and password fields, this is for the TM1 Server services that get installed to the Computer Services MMC panel. Be careful here to use a domain service account with local admin rights if you are on a company domain otherwise simple put the ComputerNameTheServiceAccount and then the password. 
  9. If you are installing TM1 Web you will need to confirm the website directory next, the default is recommended unless you are very familiar with MS IIS 6/7.
  10. Click ‘Begin’ to start the installation
  11. Click ‘Finish’ once the installation is complete.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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