Installing TM1 Top

Have you ever wanted to use TM1 Top with Cognos Express?  Well as of 10.2 it is not available by default in CX.  You might even be wondering why you would want to use TM1Top?  Well, if like me, you have created a process that has then sent the server into a tail spin and need to kill it, then you will need TM1 Top. Here are instructions how to install TM1 Top.

How to Install TM1 Top

The trick for installing TM1 Top is to find the following two files in an old installation of TM1:


These are typically found in the folder: C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\TM1_64\bin64, or C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos express\bin

Once found, place them into the equivalent folder in your 10.2 installation directory, configure them for your environment and you are back in business.

For Cognos Express, the configuration changes required are:

  • adminhost=localhost
  • servername=cxmd

If you need to log what is happening through TM1 Top, it is also worthwhile setting:

  • logfile parameter to be a folder not on the same hard drive as the TM1 data
  • logappend parameter to T, so it appends data when you open TM1Top, rather than replace
  • logperiod to 50, so it writes to the log file every 50 seconds
  • refresh to 5, so TM1Top is refreshed every 5 seconds

You can leave the rest of the settings as is.

Please note however that as of Cognos Express 10.2.1 FP3, the V (for Verify) command does not appear to work, meaning that you cannot cancel a process from within TM1Top. Please also note that IBM is removing TM1Top and replacing it with TM1 Operations Console (which does the same sort of thing and more via a browser).

You can download the files needed for TM1Top here. If logging is required, please unhash those parameters and hash out the parameters that are currently blank.

Need Help with Monitoring a TM1 Application?

If you need any help monitoring your TM1 application, or just getting TM1 Top installation, hit us up. We’re hear to help.

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