One of the really cool features of the integration between TM1 and Cognos is the ability to import views of Perspectives worksheets from TM1 into Cognos BI where they can then be used for both analyses and for write-back.
Imagine you had a simple variance analysis TM1 Perspectives form. GL accounts, Actuals for this month and last month, variance calculations for both value and percentage and an explanation column for material variances. You then need to get that out to your BI users who don’t have a TM1 license. Well, you can, by embedding the Excel form from Perspectives into Cognos Workspace (assuming you have the right BI license of course!).
All you need to do is configure a couple of “atom” files deep in the configuration of Cognos BI to understand the TM1 models you want to present. It’s a clumsy integration and is not necessarily easy, but it works a treat and can really add value to your combined Cognos and TM1 environments.
For TM1 Integrated Security Mode 1, the steps from this link from IBM are:
- Navigate to your C10_InstallDirconfigurationicdcontributionscontrib directory
- Copy and rename the tm1_contribution.atom.sample to tm1_contribution.atom
- Edit the tm1_contribution.atom file with Notepad
- Modify the following bolded values for the appropriate Rootfeed to match your environment:
<atom:link rel=”alternate” type=”application/atom+xml” href=”{cgi}/” title=””>
For Example:<atom:link rel=”alternate” type=”application/atom+xml” href=”{cgi}/” title=””>
<atom:link rel=”alternate” type=”application/atom+xml” href=”{cgi}/” title=””>
- Save the tm1_contribution.atom file
- Copy the file to all BI Dispatcher servers
- Restart all of the Cognos Dispatchers within the environment
For TM1 Integrated Security Mode 4 and 5, the steps from IBM are:
Prior to configuring Cognos Workspace, if TM1 is configured to use CAM Security (IntegratedSecurityMode=4 or 5), your/the customer must confirm that the BI Server that TM1 is secured against, is the same BI Server that you are configuring Cognos Workspace for. To confirm, simple look at the following tm1s.cfg parameters:
- Make sure that you are using Fully Qualified Domain Names (FQDN), everywhere. This includes the URL that the end user types into Internet Explorer. Not using a consistent URL will result in re-prompting to log in, as your BI CAM PASSPORT is associated to the domain (or lack of) when you first connect to Cognos BI.
- Ensure the TM1 Interoperability package has been installed to all BI Servers, see
- On all BI Application Servers, make sure the C10_InstallDirtemplatespsportalvariables_TM1.xml file, has the appropriate TM1Web server URL references defined.
For example:<url is-regex=”true”>https:// /TM1Web(/([aAsS]([A-Za-z0-9]+)))?/TM1WebLogin.aspx
<url is-regex=”true”>https:// /TM1Web(/([aAsS]([A-Za-z0-9]+)))?/TM1WebLogin.aspx
<url is-regex=”true”>https:// /TM1Web(/([aAsS]([A-Za-z0-9]+)))?/TM1WebLoginHandler.aspx
<url is-regex=”true”>https:// /TM1Web(/([aAsS]([A-Za-z0-9]+)))?/TM1WebMain.aspx
- Navigate to your C10_InstallDirconfigurationicdcontributionscontrib directory
- Copy and rename the tm1_contribution.atom.sample to tm1_contribution.atom
- Edit the tm1_contribution.atom file with Notepad
- Modify the following values for the appropriate Rootfeed to match your environment:
<atom:link rel=”alternate” type=”application/atom+xml” href=”{cgi}/” title=””>
For Example:<atom:link rel=”alternate” type=”application/atom+xml” href=”{cgi}/” title=””>
<atom:link rel=”alternate” type=”application/atom+xml” href=”{cgi}/” title=””>
- Save the tm1_contribution.atom file
- Copy the file to all BI Dispatcher servers
- Restart all of the Cognos Dispatchers within the environment
Using TM1 Cuves/Views and Applications in Cognos Workspace
After this has been done you should be able to open Cognos Workspace (not Cognos Workspace Advanced) and you will see presented the models defined in the steps above. Inside you will see the Applications (including uploaded TM1 Perspectives reports/forms), Cubes and Views – all of which can be dragged onto your Workspace.
More Information on Tuning Cognos and TM1 for Maximum Performance
Click here for more information on tuning Cognos and TM1 to work together.