AsciiOutput with Pipe Delimiter
Yesterday I needed to export some data from TM1 for loading into SQL Server. I know I can connect directly and publish from TM1 to SQL Server, but I just wanted to use the simple method – create a text file and load it up. Problem with Comma Separated Values My problem was that some […]
DataSourceCubeView: Syntax, Use and Example
Another piece of the puzzle of setting up an AsciiOutput is to define a view and then export that view. Why would you do this? Well, you can either go through a series of IF statements in your metadata or data tab checking each record to see if it satisfies a long list of criteria (e.g. […]
How to Create a Header Row with AsciiOutput
Here is a great explanation of how to add a row of column headings to an AsciiOutput from TM1.
Fixed Width File Format from TM1
When outputting data from TM1 usually we can get away with comma separated values format. Which is standard functionality from a Turbo Integrator process [See ASCIIOutput, TextOutput functions]. Every now and then we need to interface with a ERP system which requires Fixes Width Fields. This presents a few problems, not insurmountable but still not expressly easy either. The […]
Guest Post: Sorting TM1 Text Output – Wim Gielis
First of all, thanks to Ben for inviting me to write this guest article. The case is as follows. Recently, the customer wanted an export from a cube view showing monthly revenue values per project. The user should open the exported file in Excel, modify and import back into TM1. Exporting data to a text […]
The Definitive Guide to Turbo Integrator Troubleshooting
Here is all you need to know about TM1 Turbo Integrator processes. What they are, how they work and how to debug them.