Selective Clear Cube based on Variable Source Data
Detailed instructions on how to clear a variable selection of data that is going to be reloaded from the source. Includes sample TI code and explanations.
ViewZeroOut TM1 Function: Syntax and Use
I came across this extremely simple method of just zapping the data from a view in a TM1 cube today, ViewZeroOut literally removes all data from a view. . Syntax The syntax is just ViewZeroOut ( cubename, viewname ); where Example sCube = ‘Assumption’; sView = ‘This Year’; ViewZeroOut ( sCube, sView ); This will remove all data […]
CubeClearData TM1 Function Syntax and Use
CubeClearData: TM1 and Planning Analytics command for clearing all data from a TM1 cube without deleting and recreating the cube. It does not give the flexibility of deleting the data from only a slice of a cube.
"C" for Clear or Zero (all child values in a cube)
In TM1, what’s the easy way to zero all the values in a view/cube, or all the child values of a parent? Easy, open the view in Architect, navigate to the total you want to clear out and press “C”. You’ll then be asked if you want to perform a ‘Clear’ operation. Say yes and Zap. […]