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Running a TI Process from within another Process

In TM1 often we want to have a master process which then calls child processes. There is a Turbo Integrator command that allows us to nest TM1 processes. It is called ExecuteProcess. Syntax of ExecuteProcess ExecuteProcess ( processname, paramater1name, parameter1value, parameter2name, parameter2value, parameterNname, parameterNvalue ); where: processname is the name of the process you want to […]

Automating Data Transfers Between TM1 Servers

Data Transfers between TM1 Models

Replicating a Cube from a one TM1 Server into another has never been easier. Follow the steps below to copy a cube from one server to another (this includes synchronising TM1 Dimensions). This process uses the ODBO Provider for TM1 and generated MDX. I was going to show how to create an MDX Query for the desired […]

How to Import all Files in a Directory

We’ve recently been on a Property Management project using TM1 to deliver a Management, Planning and Reporting Solution. The Client has properties which are managed by an external property manager who produces tenancy schedules and general ledger reports for data consumption. The Problem: Every properties reports would come from the external property manager in a […]

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