Running a TI Process from within another Process
In TM1 often we want to have a master process which then calls child processes. There is a Turbo Integrator command that allows us to nest TM1 processes. It is called ExecuteProcess. Syntax of ExecuteProcess ExecuteProcess ( processname, paramater1name, parameter1value, parameter2name, parameter2value, parameterNname, parameterNvalue ); where: processname is the name of the process you want to […]
ExecuteProcess TM1 Function: How to Use, Example and Syntax
ExecuteProcess (not ProcessExecute) function for use in Turbo Integrator Processes in TM1 and Planning Analytics to execute another TI process.
Automating Data Transfers Between TM1 Servers
Replicating a Cube from a one TM1 Server into another has never been easier. Follow the steps below to copy a cube from one server to another (this includes synchronising TM1 Dimensions). This process uses the ODBO Provider for TM1 and generated MDX. I was going to show how to create an MDX Query for the desired […]
How to Import all Files in a Directory
We’ve recently been on a Property Management project using TM1 to deliver a Management, Planning and Reporting Solution. The Client has properties which are managed by an external property manager who produces tenancy schedules and general ledger reports for data consumption. The Problem: Every properties reports would come from the external property manager in a […]
The Definitive Guide to Turbo Integrator Troubleshooting
Here is all you need to know about TM1 Turbo Integrator processes. What they are, how they work and how to debug them.