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How to Change Elements in a Quick Report in PAX/PAfE

Change Members Quick Report

Introduction To change and replace an existing member (sometimes known as an element) within a Planning Analytics for Excel (PAX/PAfE) Quick Report there are three primary methods. Methods to Change Elements in a Quick Report 1. Type Over the Top Type the name of the required member (element) in the cell of the member being […]

Universal Reports Prerequisites

A Universal Report is a new type of dynamic report that is hierarchy aware. It utilises TM1SET formulas and named ranges to achieve this. The Prerequisites vary depending on your environment, as explained below. PA Server Prerequisites for Universal Reports on IBM Cloud Customers must request that their PA server be upgraded to IF2. […]

How to use DefineCalc to Create a User Defined Calculation

One of the most useful features of TM1 is the ability for users to create custom rollups, by way of User Defined Consolidation (UDC). Unfortunately, this feature is only available in Perspectives and Architect. That is, until now. Introducing DefineCalc. DefineCalc is a function in IBM Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel (PAfE), that allows users […]

TM1USER TM1 Excel Syntax and Use

TM1User function, when used in Planning Analytics for Excel, returns the user logged in the current server. TM1USER SYNTAX The syntax is as following: Where: Example and Usage To provide an example of how this function is used, let’s consider a simple scenario. Suppose there is a server named “NebulaFit” and a user named Tom […]

DBSW TM1 Excel Syntax and Use

The DBSW function in TM1 sends a numeric value to a TM1 cube.  Syntax The syntax for using DBSW function is: Where: The arguments e1 through en are sequence sensitive, meaning the order of the elements is important. e1 corresponds to an element from the first dimension of the cube, e2 corresponds to an element […]

DBS TM1 Excel Syntax and Use

DBS is an Excel based function, used to send numeric values to a TM1 cube’s cell. Example To illustrate the usage of DBS, let’s consider a Sales Analysis cube with the dimensions : Year, Month, Customer, Product, and Measures. Suppose we want to insert the value of $1000 in the intersection of: Syntax of DBS […]

DBR TM1 Excel Syntax and Use

DBR function is used to retrieve a value from a specified TM1 cube. DBR Syntax The syntax for DBR function is as following: Where: A few things to note here regarding the arguments e1 through en: Importance of Sequence in DBR Syntax The sequence of the arguments is crucial. e1 should correspond to an element […]

VIEW TM1 Excel Syntax and Use

The VIEW function enhances the efficiency of a Planning Analytics for Excel Custom Reports or Dynamic Reports by establishing an optimised representation of a cube. This feature speeds up report retrieval, especially during slicing operations in Perspectives or when exporting a Custom Report in PAX. It achieves faster retrieval by establishing an optimised representation of […]

DBSS TM1 Excel Syntax and Use

The DBSS function sends a string value to any TM1 cube’s cell. DBSS Syntax The syntax for DBSS is: Where: Importance of Sequence It is important to note that the arguments (e1…en) follow a specific sequence in which e1 corresponds to an element from the first dimension of the cube, e2 corresponds to an element […]

DBSA TM1 Excel Syntax and Use

DBSA allows you to send a value (numeric or string) to an attribute of an element in a dimension. DBSA Syntax The syntax for this function is: Where: Example of DBSA We have a dimension, Employee, with the attributes Name, ID-Name, Department and Age. We want to update the Name attribute for employee with the […]

How to Limit PAX for Specific Remote Desktop Users

We have a client who operate remote desktop centrally for all their users – so most people don’t have, say, Microsoft Office installed directly on their local desktop. The exception is some laptops, but even then when they need to access shared resources, they need to connect to remote desktop to gain access to shared […]

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