TM1 FEEDSTRINGS: What Is It and How Do You Use It

You’ve probably have across a rule that has SKIPCHECK at the start. You might have noticed that also, quite often, is another line of code right next to it in the rule file – FEEDSTRINGS. But what the hell is it and how do you use it? What is Feedstrings in TM1? Feedstrings, very simply, […]

How to Pad a Variable Length Element in TM1

Often we have a situation were we want to create a dimension with the contents of a code from a source system.  Sometimes, however the IDs in the source system are of a variable length and we want to present them uniformly.  To overcome this, we need to pad the code at the left with a […]

AsciiOutput TM1 Function: Use and Syntax

Have you ever wanted an easy way to output data from TM1 so you could then either reload it back into TM1 or load it into your ERP system or load it to an external database for example? Well, you can. The TM1 function ASCIIOUTPUT allows you to do exactly that. Syntax of ASCIIOutput The syntax is: ASCIIOutput […]

NumberToString TM1 Function: How to Use and Syntax

NumberToString Function for use in Turbo Integrator processes in TM1 and Planning Analytics to convert numbers to text (or strings). From here you can use it with other strings or output to a text file.

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