What are the TM1 Administration Admin Roles

In TM1 we have multiple administration capabilities that can be assigned for differentiating the roles different administrators have within a TM1 model. These include: In this post we will explain what each of these roles are and what capabilities are given to users who are assigned those roles. TM1 Admin Role People who are included […]

How to Reset TM1 Admin Password

Here are two tips re TM1 Admin passwords: 1) How to reset the Administrator password for a TM1 model. 2) How to increase the retries allowed.

How to Rename a TM1 Model

Renaming a TM1 model is relatively easy. To change the name of a TM1 model (or instance or server name) do the following: Open tm1s.cfg for the model concerned. Find “ServerName” Edit the value after the equals sign to reflect the new model name Save tm1s.cfg Open Cognos Configuration for TM1 Change the name of the […]

How do Delete a TM1 Service

How to delete a redundant TM1 service from Windows. Sometimes we need to delete a TM1 service. After changing the name for a TM1 model, for example, we may be left with a Windows Service still existing for the old model. This explains how to remove a redundant TM1 server.

Email TI Process and Chore Results

Need to email your TM1 Admin upon a TI failure? TM1 models are usually updated from a third party data source. Sometimes those loads fail and TM1 does a great job in recording in its log files what caused the error.  What it doesn’t do out of the box is email the TM1 administrator of the […]

Refresh TM1 Contributor Approval Hierarchy

I was just updating the approval hierarchy on a TM1 Contributor model and could not see the changes through on the web app.  Odd, I thought. So I did some digging around and found that the solution to that specific problem is to re-save the Rights in Performance Modeller even if you have no rights […]

The Definitive Guide to TM1 Migration from Dev to Prod

Migrating or Deploying TM1 from one environment to another is difficult. This best-practice guide presents two methods that can be used step-by-step to help ensure that your migration is successful. It also includes a downloadable checklist that you can modify to suit your specific TM1 servers and models.

How to Add an Existing TM1 Server (Model)

Sometimes we will want to add a copy of an existing TM1 model (server) to our TM1 environment. We might want to do this if, for example, we want to have a Development and Production model that are separated, but on the same server, or we might have been sent a model by someone else and […]

Installing TM1 Top

TM1 Top

Have you ever wanted to use TM1 Top with Cognos Express?  Well as of 10.2 it is not available by default in CX.  You might even be wondering why you would want to use TM1Top?  Well, if like me, you have created a process that has then sent the server into a tail spin and […]

CubeSaveData TM1 Function: Syntax and Use

This is just like the SaveDataAll command, except it is cube specific, rather than saving the data for all cubes.  Thus if you have an environment where you have a bunch of cubes where data is being constantly entered (like a planning application) and you also have some analytic cubes that are refreshed from a […]

SaveDataAll TM1 Function: Syntax and Use

SaveDataAll allows you to write the current contents of what is in memory with TM1 to disk. Then if your TM1 server is restarted it will have up to date data. Here is the syntax on using SaveDataAll.

Using TM1 Log Files

This is a great explanation of the different types of logging within TM1 for setting the different logging options to DEBUG mode.  This article was written for people to submit logs to support, however is a great explanation of logs in TM1. For most TM1 Logging, they can be modified so you are not recording […]

How to Restart TM1 Server Safely

TM1 Restart

Restarting a TM1 server is really easy. And really easy to do it badly. Here is our guide for how to restart a TM1 service safely. Enjoy!

How to Create a New TM1 Server (Model)

Here are the instructions for setting up a new TM1 server (sometimes also known as a TM1 model). This can also be used for taking a copied TM1 model and setting it up on a new physical server.  The steps are: Copy the tm1s.cfg file from an existing model Change the ServerName, PortNumber, LoggingDirectory, and DatabaseDirectory within […]

Cognos Express Backups: How to Create an Effective CX and TM1 Backup Strategy

Backing up your TM1 and/or Cognos Express environment is vital.  Without it, you potentially could lose months of work and cost your organisation a motza.  Good disaster recovery planning will help alleviate this risk. There is a Backup tool available in the Manager screen of Cognos Express that backs up and restores your entire Cognos […]

Multi Threaded Queries (MTQ)

TM1 Multi Threading

Multi-threaded queries allow TM1 to automatically load balance the application of cores by executing each query on a separate core. This multiple processing can improve efficiency and processing time for large queries and rules.

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