How to Turn Cube Logging On & Off: TM1 CubeSetLogChanges

When we run a Turbo Integrator process in TM1, the Transaction Log will normally have a record written for each data change. To speed up the TI, we can turn off transaction logging for a TI using the command CubeSetLogChanges.

Who Changed that TM1 Data? Using the TM1 Transaction Log

Have you ever had an inexplicable change to TM1 data? You know, when a user comes to you and says, John (in my case), the data in TM1 has changed since I looked at it last month? Well, if you have, here is the solution. And it is really easy!

Broken Transaction Log?

With Windows Vista, 7 and many of the newer server editions of Windows a Microsoft security fix has removed a component which TM1 Perspectives & Architect use to display the Transaction Log browser.  This component is called “MSMask32.ocx” which traditionally belongs in the System32 folder. To get this working again on these machines: Download the component here: […]

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