How to Turn Cube Logging On & Off: TM1 CubeSetLogChanges
When we run a Turbo Integrator process in TM1, the Transaction Log will normally have a record written for each data change. To speed up the TI, we can turn off transaction logging for a TI using the command CubeSetLogChanges.
Who Changed that TM1 Data? Using the TM1 Transaction Log
Have you ever had an inexplicable change to TM1 data? You know, when a user comes to you and says, John (in my case), the data in TM1 has changed since I looked at it last month? Well, if you have, here is the solution. And it is really easy!
Your Lifeline, The TM1 Transaction Log and how to Undo (or Back Out) Changes
Sometimes we need to restore data to what it was prior to a major update. Or maybe a specific user has made a change and wants to undo that change. All of this is possible in TM1 using the Transaction Log.
Broken Transaction Log?
With Windows Vista, 7 and many of the newer server editions of Windows a Microsoft security fix has removed a component which TM1 Perspectives & Architect use to display the Transaction Log browser. This component is called “MSMask32.ocx” which traditionally belongs in the System32 folder. To get this working again on these machines: Download the component here: […]
The Definitive Guide to Turbo Integrator Troubleshooting
Here is all you need to know about TM1 Turbo Integrator processes. What they are, how they work and how to debug them.