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Using "cmplst" files to find the Exact Version and Fix Pack of TM1 Installed?


Sometimes we need to go further than just knowing the version of TM1 installed. We might need to know, for example, the exact version, fix pack and possibly even interim fix that has been installed. To get this information we need to find the “cmplst” file. Where to find the cmplst files for TM1 The […]

How to Determine the TM1 Perspectives Version Installed

Finding out the version of TM1 Perspectives is easy. TM1 Perspectives is an Excel Addin that gives great functionality for using TM1 information in Excel to create forms and reports that refresh automatically with the latest data from TM1. Here is what you need to do to determine what version of Perspectives you have installed: […]

How to Determine the TM1 Version Installed on a Server

We are often asked how do I know what version of TM1 I am using? Well here is how you determine the TM1 version you have installed on a server (if you are looking for the version of TM1 Perspectives, follow this link). So here is the method to find out what version of TM1 you […]

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