DIMNM TM1 Function: Use and Syntax

The TM1 function DIMNM returns the name of an element from its index in a TM1 dimension. Each element in a TM1 dimension has an index number.  This is internal to the dimension. The DimNm function looks up that index number and returns the element name corresponding to it.


The syntax is DIMNM(dimension, index); where

Dimension, is the dimension you want to interrogate. Note that if referring to a dimension directly, you need to insert inside single inverted commas, e.g. ‘customer’

Index, is the index number of the element you want to get the name of. This is a number and is not inserted with inverted commas.


An example of the use of it is:

DIMNM (‘Month’,47); where the element with the index number of 47 is ‘Mar’.

A further use case of this function is to derive an element name from an alias.  Please see this post for a full description of why you would do this and how to do it.

This function can be used in either TM1 Rules or TI processes.

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