ELPARN TM1 Function: How to Use and Syntax
ELPARN is a TM1 function for calculating the number of parents an element has. This includes the syntax and examples.
ELPARN is a TM1 function for calculating the number of parents an element has. This includes the syntax and examples.
DimensionElementComponentAddDirect Function for use in TI Processes in TM1 and Planning Analytics to IMMEDIATELY consolidate (or rollup) elements in a dimension. Explanation with an example of use.
The RoundUp function doesnβt exist in TM1 like it does in Excel. However, here is a really simple method to achieve exactly the same outcome. TM1 RoundUp Method The method
The INT function allows you to return the nearest integer less than or equal to a specified value. Syntax of INT The syntax of the INT function is simply: where:
The Max function will deliver to you the largest of two numbers. For example, if you have 50 and 100, using the MAX function will return 100. Syntax of MAX
Ever wondered how you can use the weight assigned to an element in a hierarchy in a rule or turbo integrator process? Well, ELWEIGHT allows you to do just that!
The TM1 DAY function extracts the Day of Month number from a string based date. For example, DAY (β24-09-18β²) will return the number 18.
Sometimes we want to just delete a dimension from TM1. We get lots of failed searches on our site for DimensionDelete β but unfortunately that doesnβt exist. IBM, in their
Have you ever needed to just delete all elements from a dimension in TM1? Well there is a super easy function that does just this. Using DimensionDeleteAllElements, then one click
Full explanation of the Sleep function in TM1, with syntax and example so you can pause your Turbo Integrator process.
In TM1, ELCOMP returns the child element at a specified numeric position of a parent. Full syntax and explanation for use.
In TM1 and Planning Analytics, ELCOMPN returns the number of children an element has Full syntax and explanation for use.
DimensionElementInsertDirect directly adds a new element to a TM1 dimension immediately β no need to wait for the end of the TI step.
ELISPAR tests if an element is a direct child of a parent in a dimension in TM1. Here we explain how to use it, provide examples and compare it to ELISANC.
ConsolidatedAvg is used to calculate the average of rolled up values at the consolidated level. Here itβs explained in detail with a worked rule example.
The ViewConstruct function allows you to regenerate a view via a TI so it is then saved in memory on the server. Here we explain the syntax and how to use it.
ROUND and ROUNDP are often confused and users expect them to behave the same as the Excel function. They are very similar but are different to the Excel treatment. Here is a complete explanation of both functions, a comparison to Excel ROUND and screenshots of the usage of both functions.
Detailed instructions on how to clear a variable selection of data that is going to be reloaded from the source. Includes sample TI code and explanations.
StringToNumber allows us to convert a value, stored as text, into a number in TM1 Turbo Integrator processes. From there it can be used mathematically.
DimensionElementPrincipalName allows you to look up the primary ID of an alias in a dimension in TM1 in a TI process.
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