How to Change Element Order in a TM1 Dimension
How to set the order of elements in a dimension in TM1, either manually via the Dimension Editor, automatically via TM1 Server Explorer or within a Turbo Integrator process – and why you should be very careful when using it!
Generating a Time Dimension in Performance Modeller
Almost all TM1/Cognos Express applications will require a time dimension, and creating a time dimension has never been easier, with Time Dimension Tool provided in performance modeller. Here are a few simple steps:
TM1 10.1 – The new look for Perspectives
One of the first questions I’m ever asked about a new release of any kind of software is “How does it look?”. And since TM1 10.1 introduces a new icon set across Architect and Perspectives I thought I’d add in a quick little gallery. Click the images below to see the different screens of TM1 Perspectives 10.1. Please note […]
Dimension Maintenance Methods
There are four ways to maintain a dimension within TM1: Most consultants previously recommended using Dimension and Rule Worksheets prior to TM1 9.1 where the User Interface has been updated, presently there is no defined best practice and opinions are divided. Backend Dimension Editor Dimension Worksheets TI Process Pro Con Pro Con Pro Con Quick […]
Modifying a Dimension – Backend Editor
There are a few ways to update a dimension within TM1, the first is the simplest and most commonly used. To update a Dimension using the Dimension Editor: Right Click on the Dimension Click “Edit Dimension Structure” Right Click any where and click “Insert Element” Type the name of the element Check the […]