How to Create a Secure Gateway for Planning Analytics

There are a couple of elements that must be established to make the secure gateway work. There are server side and local side requirements. This post deals with what has to be done on the IBM server so you can connect it to your local data. For instructions on establishing the local side of the connection, please see this post.

Server Side Configuration

In the Welcome Kit from IBM, there is a heap of instructions about different URLs and credentials for logging into different parts of the solution. We are interested in logging into Planning Analytics Control. the URL will be something like and you log in using the credentials supplied to control TM1 services.

Create Planning Analytics Secure Gateway

Once there you will see a screen like this:

create secure gateway for planning analytics

Click on the funny looking padlock and then the big black plus sign. This will open a dialogue box where you can create the secure gateway. Here I have just named it InfocubeTest and the token has been created by the tool – I have greyed out the token ;).

Take note of the instructions and copy the code starting with “docker run…” and just paste it into a local text file for now. This must include the secure gateway token.

You then need to configure the local server to accept connections from the Planning Analytics server using the secure gateway token. This local configuration can either use Docker or the IBM Secure Gateway Client tool. Click here to go to the instructions for the local configuration.

After the connection has been configured on the local server you will come back here to add a database or ODBC connection.

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