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Errors Connecting to Planning Analytics for Excel/CAFE

Error Situation

At a client where we are getting SaaS based Planning Analytics setup. We have a cube, we have data loaded from an on-premise database. Now we want Planning Analytics for Excel (PAX) or Cognos Analysis for Excel (CAFE) to work. Our user is running Windows 7 with MS Office 2007.

We installed PAX and went to login and it failed with errors “COIERR-2019” or “COIERR-2121”, which both refer connection failure.

Note: If you are simply looking at how to Connect PAX to TM1, see this post here


So firstly, if you’re getting errors for failure to connect to Planning Analytics for Excel or CAFE, ensure that your computer satisfies the supported environment requirements from IBM.

These requirements include:

  • .Net, at least 4.6.1
  • Primary Interop Assemblies
  • Settings in IE

Steps to Resolve

  1. Firstly, check if you have at least .Net 4.6.1. If you don’t go download it from Microsoft and install it.
  2. If you had to install .Net, then you won’t have the Microsoft Primary Interop Assemblies (PIA) for your version of MS Office (Office 2007 here, Office 2010 here, for Office 2013 Microsoft doesn’t publish a PIA as apparently they are not needed).
  3. Then, as PAX needs to authenticate and Microsoft uses Internet Explorer to launch into, go into IE and update the security settings in Internet Options, Advanced, Security so that all SSL and TLS options are enabled.
  4. Restart Excel and you should be able to login to Planning Analytics for Excel (PAX).
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