Sending Emails from TM1 – Using HTML
Although some additional components of TM1 have built-in email functionality, TM1 does not have email functionality built into its ETL Engine. Text emails will not suffice, you want to employ HTML encoding in your email to provide a more ascetically appealing email.
Solution Process:
- Within a TI Process output text to a file to be used as the body of the email to be sent.
- Execute a email script command to send off the email to recipients.
Executing the TI script:
Email script is parameter driven and will prompt you for parameters to be pushed into the TI process:
- pRecipient : [email protected] ; [email protected] ( note use a semi column between each email address when emailing multiple users.
- pSubject: add a comment.
- pBody: add a comment .
- pAttachFile: file location of where your file attachment resides.
Email script global variables will need changing before execution of script:
- sFileName: file location of generated txt file used as the body of the email to be sent.
- sSender: [email protected] ( who the email is from)
- sSMTPSvr: SMTP or Exchange Server used for emailing. This is often ( SMTP server )
Screenshot of Email: (
- Due to 255 character limit restriction within TM1 (prior to version 9.4), instead of emailing individuals you should set up a email group instead of separating each email address separately i.e. use [email protected] instead of [email protected] ; [email protected].