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Restart Order for Cognos and TM1 Servers

What order do I use to restart Cognos BI and TM1 servers in a distributed environment? We are currently doing a project where there is a TM1 server, two Cognos BI application servers and a Cognos Gateway server.

The fundamental approach is to stop people from accessing the environment and then stop the applications themselves. The order to stop and start them is the exact reverse of each other.

To Stop the Cognos and TM1 Servers:

Firstly, ensure that all TM1 models have had all their data saved. Right click the model in Architect and select Save Data. This will write all data currently in memory out to disk. This step is vital as TM1 is an in-memory application.

After you have saved the TM1 data, then stop services or servers in this order:

  1. Planning Analytics Workspace server
  2. Cognos Gateway server (if you have one – this is the server where everyone accesses both the Cognos BI and TM1 web content)
  3. TM1 server
  4. Secondary BI application or content manager servers (if present)
  5. Primary BI application (content manager) server

To Start the TM1 and Cognos Servers

Start services or servers in the following order:

  1. Primary BI application (content manager) server
  2. Secondary BI application or content manager servers (if you have one/them)
  3. TM1 server
  4. Cognos Gateway server (if you have one)
  5. Planning Analytics Workspace server

Obviously any tools that don’t run as a service do not need to be restarted. So Transformer, Framework Manager, Architect or Perspectives don’t need to be restarted. But note that they won’t have anything to connect to when the services above are down!

To Safely Restart just your TM1 Server

If you need to only restart your TM1 server, please see this post for a detailed list of steps to safely do this (and not aggravate your users!)

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