TM1 10.2 – New Feature: In-Cube Calculations

We are excited about the new TM1 release, 10.2.  It has a lots of new features that will make life easier for TM1 modellers.  One of the key new features is doing in-cube calculations on Performance Modeller.  Here are a few things that you may find interesting and/or enjoy having.

In-Cube Calculations with Drag and Drop Interface

In the new TM1 10.2 Performance Modeller, a new section has been added that house existing TM1 rule functions, which allows users to drag and drop functions into expression field.

When a function is dragged and dropped into the expression field, a skeleton syntax is provided using placeholders for elements.  This makes it much easier to populate the rule logic, a user can simply drop additional objects into the rule to replace those placeholders.

In TM1 10.2, the new performance modeller allows users to select a range of cells within the cube viewer, and create calculations that apply to the selected range. Dimensions can be nested to facilitate tuple selections which the calculation will then apply to. The steps involve highlighting a range of target cells, right click on the selection, and click Create Cube Calculation …

Cube calculations to the leaf or consolidated level: New naming convention for N: and C: level calculations, which is now called leaf level and consolidated level expression respectively.  Also, users have the option to combine leaf and consolidated level calculation as one, by checking the Combine Leaf and Consolidated checkbox.

Cube calculations to string elements: User also have the opportunity to apply calculations to any string elements in the same calculation.

The blue area above the expression field allows user to specify/refine the scope that the calculation applies to.  You can add or remove dimensions, and define different subsets of each dimension listed.  The default selected dimension values consist of the cell range you have initially highlighted.

When cubes are restructured, the cube calculations are retained without further updating, along with the feeders.

Referencing element attributes in cube calculations has never been easier, simply expand an element in the Terms tab and Attributes, then drag and drop the required attribute onto expression field.  Please note, express syntax is somewhat different to TM1 rules.  For example,

In TM1:  =IF(<expression 1> @= ‘<Expression 2>’, <Expression when TRUE>, <Expression when FALSE>);

In PM:  =IF <expression 1> = “<Expression 2>” THEN <Expression when TRUE> ELSE <Expression when FALSE>;

Note: The new in-cube calculations use double quotes where the prior used single quotes.

Embedding links in the rules logic

Often rules require a data from external cubes. With in-cube calculations users can specify the target cube and data by utilising “Imported Terms”, which is a name or term which references an external link that can be used multiple times in the one calculation.For example, referencing to a version control cube (or attribute) for bringing actual data into forecast version.

Unfortunately, the same imported term cannot be used across multiple cube calculations.

Feeders are generated and updated automatically

With the current release of 10.1, feeders are automatically generated for any links created using Performance Modeller.  But for any rules created manually using rule editor, feeders will need to added manually.
TM1 10.2, rules created using the in-cube calculations creation wizard, feeders are generated automatically.  Any amendments to these cube calculations, the related feeders are updated automatically.  Also, when a cube is restructured such as adding a new dimension, these in-cube calculations will get updated automatically, along with the feeders.
This makes a TM1 modeller’ life much easier, as there is one less things to worry about.

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