At Chartertech we are often asked about training for TM1 and Cognos. In this post we explain how IBM training works generally, tell you where to go to get TM1 Training specifically and outline your options for both structured courses in the classroom or online and alternatively having your TM1 partner deliver TM1 training directly to you and your users.
IBM Global Training Providers
Some years ago IBM discontinued delivering training directly for its products and appointed a set of what they call Global Training Providers. These are a small group of specialist companies that deliver training over IBM and other companies tools. These companies include (with links that filter results for TM1 – and no we don’t earn any commission from them!):
All of these companies take the curriculum developed by IBM and deliver it to their students. Completion of courses run by these GTP’s will equip you to then sit certification exams from IBM.
TM1 Training Delivery Options
There are multiple ways you can receive training for TM1 or Planning Analytics. These include:
- Instructor delivered classroom training. This involves sitting in an offsite classroom and being taught the IBM authorised courseware by an IBM certified instructor. These can be delivered by the Global Training Providers.
- Virtual classrooms. These classes include lectures, demonstrations and hands-on virtual labs to try and replicate the full instructor delivered classroom training in a virtual environment. These are delivered by the GTPs using IBM authored content.
- Self-paced virtual classroom (SVPC) training. This involves being set up with an online virtual machine, being supplied with IBM authored course books and having access to the online training environment for 30 days. These are sold by the GTPs and the VMs are delivered by IBM or by the GTP.
- Partner-delivered formal classes – these do not supply IBM courseware and are created and delivered by partners.
- Partner-delivered training over your system. These are typically user training delivered during a project to the client to learn how to use their model.
- Partner-delivered specialist coaching. The coaching option often involves working one-on-one or one-to-two to coach the client in either the use or administration of their model.
Costs of TM1 Training
Costs of TM1 and Planning Analytics training obviously differ from country to country, but generally, the virtual options are cheapest, the formal IBM content-based classroom the most expensive, and the partner training over your system will be similar to consulting rates.
TM1 and Planning Analytics Training and Certification Pathway
Certification in TM1 is an objective many TM1 users have. There are multiple levels of training and certification.
TM1 Analyst
The TM1 Analyst is targeted at the person who does significant amounts of analysis within the business, not an IT person or a TM1 specialist.
The training for this includes the Planning Analytics components Planning Analytics Workspace (PAW) and Planning Analytics for Excel (PAX). These are both completed with eLearning over a total of 7 hours. The pathway then goes on to recommend Cognos Analytics courses if you are going to use CA with your TM1 data and then Watson Analytics if you want to integrate TM1 data with Watson Analytics.
TM1 Explorer
The TM1 Explorer is aimed at general users who want to poke around in TM1 data. It is light on and directs users to use How To Videos for Planning Analytics Workspace (PAW) and Planning Analytics for Excel (PAX).
TM1 Modeller
The TM1 Modeller is the highest stream of training for TM1 developers. This training covers the same content as TM1 Analyst and then expands to include modelling with both Performance Modeller and Architect. These are both 5-day instructor-led courses and offered by all three Global Training Providers.
TM1 Training and Planning Analytics Training: Summary
In conclusion, we strongly recommend using the IBM formal training as preparation for certification. This involves either classroom or self-paced virtual training. If your goal, however, is to train a group of people on the use of TM1, then engaging a partner to deliver a customised training program over your TM1 system will deliver great results and will be cost-efficient.
Are You Looking For Planning Analytics Training?
Please give us a call if you are looking for either user or administrator TM1 training. We have a range of in house options and of course, our content at TM1 Explorers!
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Want to get the administrator level training in TM1