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"cell type is real" TM1 Error

I got a “cell type is real” error this afternoon and was somewhat confounded! “cell type is real” was in the TM1 error log when I after I ran a TI process that was pasting a string into a cube.  The error was caused by the element I was trying to write to being defined as a […]

AsciiOutput TM1 Function: Use and Syntax

Have you ever wanted an easy way to output data from TM1 so you could then either reload it back into TM1 or load it into your ERP system or load it to an external database for example? Well, you can. The TM1 function ASCIIOUTPUT allows you to do exactly that. Syntax of ASCIIOutput The syntax is: ASCIIOutput […]

CellPutN TM1 Function: Use and Syntax

CellPutN Function for use in TI Processes in TM1 to update a cell with a numeric value via a Turbo Integrator process. This replaces the value already in the intersection.

CellPutS TM1 Function: Use and Syntax

CellPutS inserts a string into a specific intersection of a cube. It does not insert numeric values. Syntax of CellPutS The syntax is CellPutS (String, Cube, element1, element2, elementn ); where string is the string you want to insert into a cube cube is the cube you insert the string into element1 is an element from the first dimension of […]

Running a TI Process from within another Process

In TM1 often we want to have a master process which then calls child processes. There is a Turbo Integrator command that allows us to nest TM1 processes. It is called ExecuteProcess. Syntax of ExecuteProcess ExecuteProcess ( processname, paramater1name, parameter1value, parameter2name, parameter2value, parameterNname, parameterNvalue ); where: processname is the name of the process you want to […]

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