Running a TI Process from within another Process

In TM1 often we want to have a master process which then calls child processes. There is a Turbo Integrator command that allows us to nest TM1 processes. It is called ExecuteProcess.

Syntax of ExecuteProcess

ExecuteProcess ( processname, paramater1name, parameter1value, parameter2name, parameter2value, parameterNname, parameterNvalue ); where:

  • processname is the name of the process you want to call
  • parameter1name is the name of the first parameter you want to pass a value to
  • parameter1value is the value of the first parameter
  • parameternname is the name of the nth parameter
  • parameternvalue is the value of the nth parameter

Use of ExecuteProcess

This command is really useful for, say, setting up a list of processes to run to refresh dimensions and then to load data using the refreshed dimensions. It can also be used for executing a standard process on a repetitive basis, for example, to set up a view.

For more information on using this function, please see this link for a full explanation.

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