Planning Analytics Supported Environment

Do you need to set up a new Planning Analytics environment? So, install TM1 server, Planning Analytics Workspace, TM1Web and potentially Cognos Analytics for CAM security? We are about to start a new project with a client where they will be using Planning Analytics local (i.e. the new version of on premise TM1). They have asked about the server specifications and what needs to be installed. IBM have a great tool that gives all this information, but it can be very large and unwieldy. This post lists the minimum server requirements for Planning Analytics Local.

So here is our recommended server configuration for a small installation of Planning Analytics local.

Hardware for Planning Analytics Local

  • Two servers, one for PA, one for PAW (three servers if using Cognos Analytics as well)
  • Virtual machines with:
    • Quad core (being careful not to overstep your PVU count)
    • Dual drives – at least a 100Gb primary and a 500Gb secondary drive
    • Memory – 16Gb
  • Important: this is the minimum we require for TM1. As it is a Virtual Server you may need to increase the power of the servers as required, but do so carefully within your licence limits.

Operating System and Installed Software or Components

Planning Analytics Server

  • Windows Server 2016 or 2019
  • MS Excel (required for Planning Analytics for Excel , or Perspectives if you haven’t modernised yet!)
  • MS .NET 4.8+ (for Planning Analytics for Excel)
  • Adobe Reader
  • Notepad ++
  • 7-zip-A, i.e. the version of 7-zip that can run with a command line
  • Chrome, Firefox or Edge

Please remember to check the IBM site as well here to ensure that this list is up to date.

Planning Analytics Workspace Server

Per above, but no need for Excel. You will also need to get Mirantis Container Runtime to run Docker, into which you will install PAW.

Virus Protection

Any virus protection software must completely support both Windows Server 2016 and Docker.

Hypervisor Enabled

Finally, if you are using a Virtual Machine for your Planning Analytics Workspace server, remember you must enable Hypervisor applications for this specific VM. This is in the settings for the VM itself, not in the OS  inside the VM. This is needed so you can then install Docker – a key component of the Planning Analytics Workspace installation.

Database Connectivity

If you are accessing external databases, like Oracle or SQL Server, then you will need the relevant tools to connect to those databases natively.

Once you have your environment ready, you will need to install the applications. Here are our guides for setting it all up:

  1. Planning Analytics (TM1) Server
  2. Planning Analytics Workspace
  3. Planning Analytics Spreadsheet Services (TM1Web)
  4. Planning Analytics for Excel
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