How to Upgrade Planning Analytics Local Server (TM1 Server)

Updated for Planning Analytics As of version 11 TM1 (Planning Analytics) is able to be upgraded in situ. In other words, you can upgrade Planning Analytics without removing the previous version, installing the new version directly over the top of an existing installation. All installation files are cumulative, so you could, in theory, jump from v 2.0.0 to v 2.0.7 if required (but I’d be really careful if you tried!).

Time needed: 1 hour.

Here are the steps for completing the upgrade of Planning Analytics (TM1):

  1. Download from Passport Advantage the new version of Planning Analytics

    See this post for instructions on downloading from IBM

  2. Unzip the installation files into a convenient folder (two parts)

    If you are using Windows, it is the file called “pa_versionnumber_l86-64_ml.tar.gz”, which breaks convention from the previous filenames of “TM1_winx64h_versionnumber_ml.tar.gz”. You need to unzip both the .gz and then when that is unzipped, unzip the .tar as well. You can delete the .gz and the .tar after the .tar is unzipped.

  3. Review the “What’s New” page on

    This can be a bit tedious, I know. But still, go check it. There might just be something there that might have bitten you on the bum!

  4. Save Data in each model.

    You only really need to do this if you are not 100% confident that there is a regular SaveData TI running on a chore.

  5. Back up your TM1 models to a zip file.

    You should already have a daily backup of your models. If you don’t, zip up the data folders of each model.

  6. Open Cognos Configuration for TM1 and do an export

    Yes, I know you don’t really need to do this, but it might just be useful if for whatever reason the information gets lost!

  7. Copy the Planning Analytics Admin Agent file

    If you are running the Planning Analytics Administration Agent, you need to stop the Planning Analytics Administration Agent service, then take a backup of your file. This is located at C:/Program Files/ibm/cognos/tm1_64/paa_agent/wlp/usr/servers/kate-agent/. This file stores your specific server-based information for configuring PAAA.

  8. Notify Users of Outage

    Let users know that TM1 will be offline for an hour or so.

  9. Install as Administrator

    From the unzipped location above, run as an Administrator “issetup.exe” from the “winx64h” folder.
    Planning Analytics installation

  10. Warning!

    If you have not stopped all the TM1/Planning Analytics services, you will get a warning like this:

    If you get this, go to Windows Services and stop all the TM1 services:

  11. Continue with the TM1 Installer

    Upgrade Planning Analytics Language Selection

  12. Location Warning

    When you get the warning that you are installing Planning Analytics to the same location as a previous installation, accept the warning. This will replace the previous version of TM1.
    Installation of TM1 in the same location as previous installation.

  13. Continue with Installation

  14. Open Cognos Configuration and Restart Services

    From inside TM1’s Cognos Configuration, restart the TM1 and TM1 Server Services.

  15. Test the Upgrade

    Run your update processes and confirm that they all work as expected.
    Open a couple of reports or forms and confirm they are ok.
    Open PAW and confirm it is happy.

  16. Notify Users of Success

    Advise users that TM1 is now available again and ask that they test it to confirm that all is ok.

If you are now wanting to upgrade Planning Analytics Workspace (PAW), please see these instructions. If you are looking for instructions to install PAW for the first time, please see this post.You should also now upgrade Planning Analytics Spreadsheet Services. Please see this post for instructions on how to do that.Finally, see this post to upgrade Planning Analytics for Excel (where you are beyond version 2.0.65)

Do You Need Help with Upgrading Planning Analytics?

Remember, if you need any help with upgrading TM1 or Planning Analytics, please give us a buzz!We’d love to help!

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2 Responses

  1. Hi Eytan, we’d love to help you with updating your version of PA and the other components that work with it. I have sent you an email so we can sort a time that works to get more information. Thanks, John

  2. Would like to inquire about getting assistance on updating our version on planning analytics and all associated parts of the system

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