Neglected Functionality – Custom Rollups & Subset Consolidations
In this blog segment, we’ll look at value add features of the IBM Business Analytics software which are often overlooked and underused. In this article, I’m going to explain Custom Rollups and Subset Consolidations within IBM Cognos TM1. Custom rollups are used to create a temporary user-defined consolidation element. It is a very useful, but […]
Fixed Width File Format from TM1
When outputting data from TM1 usually we can get away with comma separated values format. Which is standard functionality from a Turbo Integrator process [See ASCIIOutput, TextOutput functions]. Every now and then we need to interface with a ERP system which requires Fixes Width Fields. This presents a few problems, not insurmountable but still not expressly easy either. The […]
Woohoo! TM1 Tutes has cracked 100,000 visits!
This is just a shout out to all the administrators, support teams and developers who have browsed or subscribed to the TM1 Tutorials blog over the last two years. Thanks, your the best and we are so pleased to have the opportunity to share our time tested tips and tricks with you all If you are […]
Broken Transaction Log?
With Windows Vista, 7 and many of the newer server editions of Windows a Microsoft security fix has removed a component which TM1 Perspectives & Architect use to display the Transaction Log browser. This component is called “MSMask32.ocx” which traditionally belongs in the System32 folder. To get this working again on these machines: Download the component here: […]
Removing old TM1 Servers from "Services"
When upgrading a clients environment to IBM Cognos TM1 10.1 I noticed a bunch of older TM1 Services. A quick google reveals that you can remove services by using the following command line: sc delete “Service Name” Note: If you have a TM1 Service setup as: “TM1 Server x64 / Production Server” you will use […]
Turbo Integrator Syntax Highlighter (Notepad++)
It is no secret that syntax highlighting script editors increase developer productivity. I regularly find myself staring at a chunk of TI processes (especially those written by someone else) for far too long. The combination of black and white text with small, crowded fonts in Turbo Integrator doesn’t help with the readability at all. While […]
Back to Basics – Regions in Rules
If there is one basic technical best practise which makes TM1 Solutions more straight-forward thus sustainable which is most often not utilised it is #Regions in cube rules. Regions work the same way as grouping rows within Microsoft Excel, except the grouping is done automatically around a set of key words. This is actually a feature in many scripting environments and […]
TM1 Contributor – Single Security Hierarchy
Currently on-site at client installing TM1 Cognos Express. The client wishes to use the contributor application to utilize workflow in the forecast. Doing so can creates a number of limitations, namely security and secondly cube design. Within TM1 Contributor/Cognos Express Planner you apply security based on a single dimension hierarchy for the application you have […]
Creating and Expanding a Time Dimension
This post should really be titled “Creating a Time Dimension with a method which allows it to be easily expanded later.” but that simply wont fit. The concept is simple, where previously a time dimension is manually updated and eventually becomes tiresome to update (once every few years) we can instead use one process to […]
Replicating a Dimension Hierarchy in Excel
For those of us still using earlier versions of TM1 where Active Forms are not available, below is a set of VBA code that would enable you to recreate the dimension tree in your excel reports . In this example, we have a list of sales area managers from the Sales Managers dimension derived using the ELCOMPN formula. […]