Transfering Data between TM1 Servers using ODBO (i.e. Without CSV's)
This blog shows the steps needed to establish an ODBO connection in order to transfer data between 2 cubes in different server instances.
TM1 Consultation – Ben Hill
When I started this site’s predecessor,, as a freelancer I was happy to cater to the need for non biased technical resources which solve real world problems. Back in Jul 2012 I joined Infocube as Director and Principal Consultant with the intention of creating something bigger than myself. I’m happy to say that now […]
Sydney Networking – TM1 10.2 Upgrade Special.
October 18th – Sydney TM1 Networking. TM1 Catchup – 10.2 Upgrade Special. We have arranged a special TM1 catch up dedicated to the 10.2 update. We believe this is the biggest update to the platform since Applix acquired TM1 in 1996. This is an opportunity to discuss what is new, what we like, what we […]
Generating a Time Dimension in Performance Modeller
Almost all TM1/Cognos Express applications will require a time dimension, and creating a time dimension has never been easier, with Time Dimension Tool provided in performance modeller. Here are a few simple steps:
Linking Cubes with Performance Modeler
Performance modeller makes moving/linking data between cubes (and within cube) with ease, and it also makes it easier to track and update as each link is saved separately. For those who have experience with Cognos Enterprise Planning, this will make you feel right at home. Here is a simple example on how to create a […]
TM1 Multithreading Performance Tests
Before you read further, we would like you to know that this is still relevant for Planning Analytics (despite this test having been carried out in TM1 10.2). Many promising claims about performance improvements were made for TM1 10.2, most of which are related to the new multi-threading feature that allows to utilise as many […]
CX/TM1 Monitoring on the App Store – Spark Mobile
Spark Mobile is now on the iTunes App Store. Thanks to all the beta testers. You can access and download the free iPhone / iPad App here. This brings the insights the Spark Cloud has to offer, direct to your mobile device! Notifications about significant events can now be pushed directly to your mobile device and at […]
Testing Turbo Integrator Code
In the last post we talked about how we can output String and Numeric values in a Fixed Width Field Format. I realised just after writing the article that I used a not-well-known trick in order to perfect the snippets I posted. This is: Using Calculated Variables to Test Field Calculations. I’m going to use […]
Fixed Width File Format from TM1
When outputting data from TM1 usually we can get away with comma separated values format. Which is standard functionality from a Turbo Integrator process [See ASCIIOutput, TextOutput functions]. Every now and then we need to interface with a ERP system which requires Fixes Width Fields. This presents a few problems, not insurmountable but still not expressly easy either. The […]
Monte Carlo simulation with TM1
A bit about Vangelis: Hi, I am Vangelis, I am from Greece and now I live in Sydney Australia. Currently, I’m working as a consultant at Infocube Consulting. I have expertise in IBM Cognos products, BI and TM1 and also in mathematics and statistics. My academic background consists of a BSc in Mathematics, MSc in […]
Woohoo! TM1 Tutes has cracked 100,000 visits!
This is just a shout out to all the administrators, support teams and developers who have browsed or subscribed to the TM1 Tutorials blog over the last two years. Thanks, your the best and we are so pleased to have the opportunity to share our time tested tips and tricks with you all If you are […]
Broken Transaction Log?
With Windows Vista, 7 and many of the newer server editions of Windows a Microsoft security fix has removed a component which TM1 Perspectives & Architect use to display the Transaction Log browser. This component is called “MSMask32.ocx” which traditionally belongs in the System32 folder. To get this working again on these machines: Download the component here: […]
Removing old TM1 Servers from "Services"
When upgrading a clients environment to IBM Cognos TM1 10.1 I noticed a bunch of older TM1 Services. A quick google reveals that you can remove services by using the following command line: sc delete “Service Name” Note: If you have a TM1 Service setup as: “TM1 Server x64 / Production Server” you will use […]
Turbo Integrator Syntax Highlighter (Notepad++)
It is no secret that syntax highlighting script editors increase developer productivity. I regularly find myself staring at a chunk of TI processes (especially those written by someone else) for far too long. The combination of black and white text with small, crowded fonts in Turbo Integrator doesn’t help with the readability at all. While […]
Messaging users of IBM Cognos TM1
Did you know that you can send messages to your users through TM1? You would be surprised how many people don’t realise that its possible – and easy!!! 1. Open TM1 Server Explorer (Perspectives) 2. Right click on your server and select “Server Manager”. From here you can actually do a few things like: Disconnecting Users and […]
Back to Basics – Regions in Rules
If there is one basic technical best practise which makes TM1 Solutions more straight-forward thus sustainable which is most often not utilised it is #Regions in cube rules. Regions work the same way as grouping rows within Microsoft Excel, except the grouping is done automatically around a set of key words. This is actually a feature in many scripting environments and […]
TM1 10.1 – IBM Cognos Insight Review Pt 2
In the first part of this review we had a look at the workings of IBM Cognos Insight and how it can effortlessly “munch down” a multitude of file formats an “crap out” a sexy looking dashboard. The scariest part of this is that it really works – and it looks great! The Pro’s Instant […]
Free Trial of Cognos Insight – Big Data Analytics
A free trial of Cognos Insight is available for download on Analytics Zone – Download Now. What is Analytics Zone? Analytics Zone is a community portal focusing on Big Data Analytics. Its a great place for connecting with other analysts and data scientists, downloading modelling (Not “Project Runway”) resources, tutorials and catching up with the latest Big Data […]
TM1 Contributor – Single Security Hierarchy
Currently on-site at client installing TM1 Cognos Express. The client wishes to use the contributor application to utilize workflow in the forecast. Doing so can creates a number of limitations, namely security and secondly cube design. Within TM1 Contributor/Cognos Express Planner you apply security based on a single dimension hierarchy for the application you have […]
InfoCube and Daptech to Merge
InfoCube, a Sydney-based management accounting and business analytics specialist, and enterprise planning software experts Daptech will merge their businesses to create InfoCube Consulting (Australia) Pty Ltd. Commencing trading on July 9, the new entity will continue to provide clients such as Woolworths, Goodman Fielder, News Limited, Schneider and Hunter Douglas with superior Cognos service and […]